January 29th, 2009

More Pluto In Capricorn

Porta Portese

“—if it once gleamed, if it ticked, if it buzzed, if it
oiled eter­nal youth, if it whis­pered
on an old tape with the sex­ual lure of in­fi­nite
cash, if it said I am your pri­vate
cas­tle and you are a queen, if it lit a thou­sand
bulbs, if it shaved a thou­sand hairs, if
it declared God loves you, if it promised
to cure hare­lip eczema sca­bies rage,
if it clipped hang­nails, if it deliv­ered proverbs, if it hugged
the ass—it’s laid out on a col­lapsi­ble
table or a mat on as­phalt, money will change
hands, money will change us
all, change Gyp­sies pro­fes­sors Nigeri­an whores
limp­ing chil­dren drugged ba­bies
iPod­ded teens So­ma­li re­fugees artists in
drag il­le­gal Al­ba­ni­ans cruis­ing pols We said
one world We said isn’t my money good enough
for you Switch blade Switch banks The Cloa­ca
Max­i­ma ac­cepts all cur­ren­cies The Tiber
leaks yel­low between its legs ven­e­re­al
ven­er­a­ble du­ty-​free lux­u­ri­ous silken rip­pling
classi­cal waves sold and sol­dered solved re­flect­ed here—”

— Rosanna Warren

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